
Who wants to learn the job of organic farming, should go to Yinka Adesola in Nigeria, in the Southwest of Nigeria. I met her on her beautiful demonstration farm. Every day, about 50 people work on the farm. Those are farmers from the nearby area, who like to learn the job, but even city people come over to learn everything about organic farming.
She build her own greenhouses out of bamboo, covered with mosquito nets. There she grows her own seedlings. Outside she grows different kind of vegetables like cucumber, cabbage, tomato, okra, sweet peppers and chili peppers, lettuce, arrow-roots, watermelon.
The battle against insects and pests goes in an organic way. For example: she makes her own insect spray with an extract of leaves from the neem tree. Also the compost is self-made. Especially for this goal, chickens and guinea fowls are kept.
All students stay three months. They learn the job by doing. Yinka doesn’t charge anything for the schooling, only for the accommodation. The schooling will be paid by working on the farm.
The ones who want to meet her online, should become friends with her on Facebook. Here she tells her fair story about her daily struggles, the efforts of the farm, but she also gives free advice about any detail of farming.